International Workshop on Methods, Models and Technology for Semantic-driven Knowledge Building


Web 2.0 paradigm has shifted the role of users from passive audience to participatory users. Growing number of users are taking advantage of collaborative and interactive features (e.g., blog, wiki, RSS, and so on) in order to share their own contents with each other (i.e., user-generated content). Specifically, the adoption of Web 2.0 tools in the organizational context (i.e., Enterprise 2.0) changes the roadmap of Knowledge Management. Success of Enterprise 2.0 leads to the availability of large amount of information that is still targeted to the human consumption. This stresses the activities of Knowledge Management, especially in large organisations. So, nowadays Knowledge Management is still a huge challenge.

Semantic Web vision could address this challenge. In particular, Semantic Web standards enabling the creation of machine-understandable knowledge. Ontologies provide a common knowledge layer that could be exploited to bridge the gap between tacit and explicit knowledge. Specifically, ontologies can offer a consistent access point to anything that an organization does enabling opportunities to find relevant information. On one hand, well-known ontologies (e.g., FOAF, SIOC, etc.) could be reused to represent enterprise artefacts. On the other hand, organizational domain ontologies (e.g., controlled vocabulary, taxonomies, and so on) have to be developed and kept up-to-date. In this way, by exploiting ontologies when a project belongs to certain research topics, we can infer that also the publications of the project relate to the same topic, or to the employees that have skills relevant to that project, and so on. Nevertheless, Semantic Web tools are still under development and ontologies learning and maintenance require a considerable effort.

Although Semantic Web provides enabling features to face with Knowledge Management challenge, there are many research opportunities that should be addressed. Firstly, there is a need to fill the gap combining Web 2.0 features such as collaboration with semantic technologies. Next, there are several needs to support knowledge life cycle and to provide intelligence service for knowledge discovery. Finally, it is important to define intelligent methodologies able to prepare and maintain up-to-dated organizational domain ontologies.

In particular, the aim of this session is to provide a forum to disseminate and discuss methods, models, and technologies to address a new generation of knowledge management systems. The workshop starts with current issues of the on-going EU-funded IP research project “ARISTOTELE” (

Topics for the workshop include, but are not limited to:

Ontologies for Knowledge Representation, Knowledge Management, Knowledge Extraction
Ontology Matching
Ontology Merging
Semantic Social Networks
World Wide Wisdom Web (W4)
Information Retrieval
Web Searching
Semantic Grids
Semantic Social Networks
Soft-computing for Web Intelligence
Ontological Agents
Clustering for Web Processing
Formal Concepts Analysis for Web Application
Collective Knowledge

Workshop Co-Chairs

Vincenzo Loia, University of Salerno, Italy
Saverio Salerno, University of Salerno, Italy

Workshop Program chair

Pierluigi Ritrovato, University of Salerno, Italy

Program Committee

Antonina Dattolo, University of Udine, Italy
Ernesto Damiani, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy
Matteo Gaeta, University of Salerno, Italy
Hani Hagras, University of Essex, UK
Chang-Shing Lee, National University of Tainan, Taiwan
Ronald Maier, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Marek Reformat, University of Alberta, Canada
Christian M. Stracke, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
