Venue: Jaipur, India
Dates: December 4-7, 2017
Conference website:
Submission link:
Submission deadline: September 23, 2017

Aims and Scope

The SITIS conference is dedicated to research on the technologies used to represent, share and process information in various forms, ranging from signal, image, and multimedia data to traditional structured data and semi-structured data found in the web. SITIS spans two inter-related research domains that increasingly play a key role in connecting systems across network centric environments to allow distributed computing and information sharing. SITIS 2017 aims to provide a forum for high-quality presentations on research activities centered on two main tracks and a number of workshops.

Track on Signal Image & Vision Technologies (SIVT)

The SIVT track focuses on recent developments in digital signal processing and pays particular attention to evolutions vision, image analysis, pattern analysis and recognition, coding and authentication, and retrieval

Main topics

  • Image acquisition, vision
  • Image Processing and Analysis
  • Signal processing
  • Applications
  • Image/Video Coding and Authentication

Track on Intelligent Web Computing and Applications (I-WeCA)

The I-WeCA track focuses on emerging concepts, architectures, protocols, and methodologies for both information management on the Web and the Internet of Things technologies that connect unlimited numbers of smart objects to make our environment more interactive.

Main topics

  • Data semantics and web-centric systems
  • Big Data Management and Analytics
  • Service-based Computing
  • Internet of Things and Intelligent Systems
  • Grid and Cloud Computing
  • Information Security and Privacy
  • Applications and Tools

Track on Multimedia Information Retrieval and Application (MIRA)

The focus of the “Multimedia Information Retrieval and Application” (MIRA) track is on emerging modeling, representation and retrieval techniques that take into account the amount, type and diversity of multimedia information accessible in distributed computing environment.

Main topics

  • Multimedia content analysis
  • Multimedia Application for Information Retrieval
  • Retrieval and annotation of big multimedia data
  • Multimedia systems, services, architecture and implementations
  • Distributed multimedia systems
  • Multimedia security, rights management and forensics
  • Social networks, social media and Crowdsourcing


The up to date list of workshops is available from the top menu in Contribute > Workshops

Important dates

Paper submission deadline September 23, 2017
Acceptance/Reject notification October 21, 2017
Camera-ready October 30, 2017
Author Registration October 31, 2017

Submission and publication

Papers must be up to 8 pages and follow the IEEE double-column format. Submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least 3 peer reviewers. Papers will be evaluated based on relevance, significance, impact, originality, technical soundness, and quality of presentation. At least one author should attend the conference to present an accepted paper.

All papers accepted for presentation at the main tracks and workshops will be included in the conference proceedings, which will be published by IEEE Computer Society. Only the actually presented papers will be referenced in IEEE Xplore Digital Library, Scopus, DBLP and major indexes.

Paper submission will only be online via SITIS 2017 submission site:

Special Issues

Relevant best papers presented at SITIS 2017 can be extended and submitted to the following special issues of international journals.
The extended versions must contain at least 30% of new materials and include results related to the major topics of interest. 

Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Springer

Special Issue on Semantics and Cognitive trends in Ubicomp Environments

Ubiquitous computing typically aims to enable ecosystems of devices, controllers, handheld and mobile information applications that can be seamlessly integrated in various ways. The main goal of these dynamic interoperable environments is to allow the component devices to be easily deployed, interact with other devices or personal interfaces with little human intervention. The development of ubicomp environments must address many challenges ranging from semantic and cognitive issues to semantic web, user interfaces, context-awareness and interoperability of dynamic heterogeneous devices. Semantic web technologies have proven their value with targeted applications, empowering knowledge management or better supporting knowledge services for social networks. The semantic web architecture choices lead to a tremendous amount of information openly published on the web. In ubiquitous computing, they can facilitate the efficient representation, discovering and sharing of complex information or services among integrated devices in ubicomp environments. In this context, cognitive computing technologies are now playing a fundamental role. Their use in combination with data generated by connected devices (Cognitive IoT) can provide more accurate and efficient ways to detecting important patterns, to simplify the human-machine interfaces, and to digest and analyze heterogeneous data. Knowledge management and reasoning mechanisms are needed to deal with the complex and imprecise information inherent to interactions among autonomous personal devices, as well as to learn with neuromorphic problem solving and to infer rules to achieve context awareness.

This special issue focuses on the use of semantic web technologies, linked open data or cognitive methods for designing ubicomp environments. It will provide an overview of how the main underlying challenges have been addressed in recent developments and approaches implemented in this context. We hope that the presented approaches will advance the discussion in the community towards future ubicomp environments. This special issue will accept original research papers including topics like semantically enriched user models for ubicomp environments, algorithms and techniques for automatic learning and human-like reasoning, integrating and using heterogeneous devices at a Web scale, along with solutions for personalized and automated access to interconnected and mobile devices or applications. The papers will be peer-reviewed and selected on the basis of their quality and relevance to the theme of this special issue.

Topics include (but are not limited to):

• Sensors and device deployment
• People-centered computing
• Semantics for preference description: vocabularies, approaches
• Reasoning and rules for user modeling in the Semantic Web
• Semantically enriched user models for ubicomp environments
• Information extraction for capturing semantics
• Acquisition and application of user profiles
• Trust, privacy, and transparency for user personalization
• Collecting, managing, updating, disseminating, querying Linked Open Data
• Linked Open Data platforms – processing Linked Open Data
• Integrating Linked Open Data – methods for connecting and reasoning over distributed datasets
• Ontology aligning for user modeling
• Ontologies and Linked Data for Cognitive Systems
• Semantic Web Services and service-oriented architectures
• Approaches for services discovery and ranking
• Performance and quality issues
• Natural user interfaces for Cognitive Systems
• Experiences in deploying Cognitive Systems in real application scenarios

Important dates:
Submission deadline: February 15, 2018
First feedback: April 30, 2018
Final decisions: June 15, 2018
Publication: September, 2018

Relevant best papers presented at SITIS 2017 (the 13th IEEE International Conference on Signal Image Technology and Internet Based Systems) can be extended and submitted to the special issue. The extended versions must contain at least 30% of new materials and include results related to the major topics of interest.

Submission Guidelines:
Submissions should be prepared according to the author instructions available at the journal homepage, Manuscripts must be submitted in the form of PDF file to the corresponding editor. Information about the manuscript (title, full list of authors, corresponding author’s contact, abstract, and keywords) must be included in the submission email.

Guest Editors

Future Generation Computer Systems, Elsevier

Special Issue on Semantic Multimedia Data

Multimedia data can be easily uploaded, communicated and shared in community portals. These later allow users to manually tag, comment and annotate the digital content, but they lack a general support for fine-grained semantic descriptions and look-up, especially when talking about things “inside” multimedia content, such as an object in a video or a person depicted in a still image.
Linking Multimedia Data is an active and inter-disciplinary research field in multimedia. Turning a distributed repository of images, video, text, and other signal-based objects (such as various radar signatures) into an easily browsable information and knowledge would certainly transform the underlying data into a more satisfying representation for humans to intelligently navigate. The power of this approach results from the mixture of different modalities of data. While linked textual data is being studied by the web semantics and database communities, adding non-textual data is much more satisfying for human interaction, but comes with the price of more complexity.
While in hypermedia, one mainly focuses on languages and synchronization made between information parts in both temporal and spatial dimensions, we mainly focus in this special issue on the (semi) automatic and collaborative methods for fostering semantics in multimedia data by enriching information (so to come up with a knowledge), for visualization and exploration, and for missing (meta)data estimation. The added complexity is due to objects having multiple facets, depending on their use and who or what system is doing the labeling.
This research area is a blending of topics of interest to many disparate research communities. The novelty will reside initially in how to formulate and implement the boundaries between tasks of interest to these different communities. As the field matures and the diverse nature of the data is accepted as a given by researchers in this area, research advances of a more integrative nature will be the norm, treading into areas that we can only dream of today.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
• Multimedia data linking methods
• Collective knowledge, event and entity detection
• Multimedia measures (similarity, quality, data fusion, etc.)
• Semi-supervised, learning-based multimedia data linking methods
• Multimedia on the web sampling techniques
• Identity representation and semantics
• Online personal information management
• Reasoning on connected multimedia data
• Retrieval and annotation of big multimedia data
• Big multimedia data analytics
• Semantics and metadata in multimedia systems
• Link propagation
• Provenance and trust models on links
• Semantic-based multimedia retrieval and annotation
• Emergent semantics in content-based retrieval systems
• Social media and Crowdsourcing
• Evaluation techniques and tools
• Marketplaces, aggregators and indexes for Semantic Multimedia Data
• Applications
  o life-sciences
  o digital humanities
  o social networks
  o Internet of things
  o etc.

Important dates:
Manuscript Due: January 15, 2018
First Notification: June 15, 2018
Revised Manuscript: August 1, 2018
Notification of Acceptance: October 15, 2018
Camera Ready Paper Due: November 30, 2018
Publication Date: Last Quarter of 2018

Relevant best papers presented at SITIS 2017 (the 13th IEEE International Conference on Signal Image Technology and Internet Based Systems) can be extended and submitted to the special issue. The extended versions must contain at least 30% of new materials and include results related to the major topics of interest.

Submission Guidelines
Submissions should be prepared and submitted according to the author instructions available at the journal homepage,

Guest editors