The Signal Image & Vision Technologies (SIVT) track focuses on recent developments in digital signal processing and pays particular attention to evolutions of vision, image analysis, pattern analysis and recognition, coding and authentication, and retrieval techniques.

The Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

Image Acquisition, Vision

  • Image Acquisition Devices and Sensors
  • Device Calibration, Characterization and Modeling
  • Image and Video Coding and Compression
  • Multimodal and Multi-sensor Models

Image Processing and Analysis

  • Image filtering, Restoration, Enhancement
  • Image segmentation
  • Image synthesis
  • Pattern analysis and recognition
  • Shape matching
  • Learning and classification
  • Colour Imaging
  • Multispectral processing
  • Stereoscopic and 3D processing
  • 3D Object Extraction
  • Surface reconstruction
  • Computational geometry
  • Machine Learning Technologies for Vision
  • Content-based Indexing, Search, and Retrieval
  • Object and Face Recognition
  • Object detection and Localization
  • 3D Object Extraction
  • Optical Flow and Motion Analysis
  • Tracking and Visual Navigation

Signal processing

  • Theory and Methods
  • Digital Filters and Filter Banks design
  • Wavelets and Multirate Signal Processing
  • Spectral analysis
  • Fast algorithms
  • Real-time signal processing
  • Signal noise control
  • Mobile Signal Processing
  • Nonlinear and Multidimensional Signal Processing


  • Archiving
  • Digital video broadcasting
  • Biomedical Imaging
  • Nuclear XRAY, and magnetic resonance imaging
  • Tomographic imaging
  • Remote Sensing
  • Document Image Processing and Analysis
  • Astronomy
  • Geosciences and environment
  • Artificial intelligence applications
  • Neural networks applications
  • Fuzzy logic applications
  • Video surveillance and security
  • Crowd analysis
  • Biometrics and Applications

Image/Video Coding and Authentication

  • Coding standards
  • Image and video over networks
  • Error resilience
  • Video processing and streaming
  • Image sequence processing and analysis
  • Video streaming
  • Watermark Embedding and Detection
  • Reliable Watermark Recovery

Submission and Publication

Each submission should be at most 8 pages in total, including bibliography and well-marked appendices, and must follow the IEEE double columns publication format available at: Manuscript templates for IEEE conference proceedings

Paper submission will only be online via SITIS 2023 EasyChair submission system.

Submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least two peer reviewers. Papers will be evaluated based on relevance, significance, impact, originality, technical soundness, and quality of presentation.

All the papers accepted for the workshop will be included in the conference proceedings. The proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society and referenced in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library, Scopus, DBLP and major indexes.

The proceedings of the previous editions of SITIS are available here.


At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference. The registration fees are determined by the SITIS organizers. Both in-presence and remote presentations are allowed.

Further details are available here. A single registration allows attending all the conference events and sessions.

Track Chair

Albert Dipanda, University of Burgundy, France
Neeta Nain, MNIT Jaipur, India
