International Workshop on Appearance and Imaging


Standard technologies and applications of spectral imaging have grown to an extent to which a specifically dedicated workshop may let go of this topic and leave it to be covered by major conferences in fields like imaging, image processing, and computer vision. Long live spectral imaging, the CoMI (Colour and Multispectral Imaging) becomes the WAI (Workshop on Appearance and Imaging).

With the increasing diversity of manufactured materials, fancy packaging, and 3D prints, with the increasing capabilities for extended reality and common uses of computer graphics, defining the appearance of material has become a major research interest worldwide. There are now several efforts towards soft metrology of appearance (e.g. national initiatives – GDR APPAMAT in France, EU initiatives – ITN ApPEARS, international initiatives – IS&T Electronic Imaging, etc.)

This workshop aims to address the uses of multimodal imaging in material appearance-related tasks and studies. This could be to use imaging device as a spatial optical measurement device to relate the perception and the material physical properties, but also other aspects where appearance and imaging are used in pair, such as identifying materials in images by their appearance, etc.

Topics for the workshop include, but are not limited to:

  • Colour, Spectral imaging
  • Polarimetric imaging
  • Computational imaging and methods
  • Total appearance, colour, texture, gloss, translucency
  • Functional appearance measurements (BRDF, BTDF, BSSRDF. svBRDF, etc)
  • Terminology of appearance, definition and naming
  • Cognitive psychology related to vision and appearance
  • Appearance modelling and representation
  • Appearance in 3D image capture and reproduction
  • Analysis and synthesis of appearance attributes in images
  • Image appearance modeling
  • Quality of material rendering in XR systems


Each submission should be at most 8 pages in total, including bibliography and well-marked appendices, and must follow the IEEE double columns publication format available at:

Manuscript templates for IEEE conference proceedings

Paper submission will only be online via SITIS 2023 EasyChair submission system.

Only pdf files will be accepted. Submissions not meeting these guidelines risk rejection without consideration of their merits. All submitted papers will be carefully evaluated based on originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of expression by at least two reviewers and then will be checked for plagiarism and self-plagiarism by IEEE. The organizers will examine the reviews and make final paper selections.


All the papers accepted for the workshop will be included in the conference proceedings. The proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society and referenced in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library, Scopus, DBLP and major indexes. The proceedings of the previous editions of SITIS are available here.


At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the workshop. The workshop registration fees are determined by the SITIS organizers. Both in-presence and remote presentations are allowed. Further details are available here. A single registration for the workshop or the conference allows attending both events.

Workshop Co-Chairs

Pierre Gouton, UBFC, France
Marius Pedersen, NTNU, Norway
Jean-Baptiste Thomas, University of Bourgogne, France

Program Committee

  • Jean-Baptiste Thomas, Le2i, université de Bourgogne, France
  • Davit Gigilashvili, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
  • Amadou Tidjani Sanda Mahama, Institut de Mathématiques et de Sciences Physiques, France
  • Edoardo Provenzi, Université de Bordeaux, France
  • Pierre Gouton, Laboratoire Le2I, Universite de Bourgogne, France
  • Marius Pedersen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
  • Simone Bianco, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
  • Pierre-Jean Lapray, Université de Haute Alsace, France
  • Jeremie Gerhardt, IRYStec, France
  • Raimondo Schettini, University of Milano bicocca, Italy
  • Zhaohui Wang, United Kingdom
  • Alain Tremeau, Laboratoire Hubert Curien, France
  • Rafael Huertas, University of Granada, Spain
  • Eva M. Valero, University of Granada, Spain
