Venue: Kyoto, Japan
Dates: December 2-5, 2013
Conference website:
Submission link:
Submission deadline: September 23, 2013

Aims and Scope

The SITIS conference is dedicated to research on the technologies used to represent, share and process information in various forms, ranging from signal, image, and multimedia data to traditional structured data and semi-structured data found in the web. SITIS spans two inter-related research domains that increasingly play a key role in connecting systems across network centric environments to allow distributed computing and information sharing. SITIS 2015 aims to provide a forum for high-quality presentations on research activities centered on four main tracks and thirteen workshops.

Track on Signal & Image Technologies (SIT)

The SIT track focuses on recent developments in digital signal processing and pays particular attention to evolutions vision, image analysis, pattern analysis and recognition, coding and authentication, and retrieval

Main topics

  • Image acquisition, vision
  • Image Processing and Analysis
  • Signal processing
  • Applications
  • Image/Video Coding and Authentication

Track on Web Computing and Applications (WeCA)

The WeCA track focuses on emerging concepts, architectures, protocols, and methodologies for both information management on the Web and the Internet of Things technologies that connect unlimited numbers of smart objects to make our environment more interactive.

Main topics

  • Data semantics and web-centric systems
  • Big Data Management and Analytics
  • Service-based Computing
  • Internet of Things and Intelligent Systems
  • Grid and Cloud Computing
  • Information Security and Privacy
  • Applications and Tools

Special session of WeCA

The aim this special session is to provide a forum to bring together scientists, researchers and practitioners interested in emerging architectures and methodologies for capturing, storing, managing and analyzing massive, dispersed, interconnected data over the Web. Its also to discuss the possible interaction between Web of Data/Linked Data and Big Data/Cloud Computing.

Session Chairs: Gayo Diallo, University of Bordeaux, France, Edward Mutafungwa, Aalto University, Finland
General Co-Chairs: Setsuo Tsuruta, Denki University, Japan, Ernesto Damiani, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy 

Track on Multimedia Information Retrieval and Application (MIRA)

The focus of the “Multimedia Information Retrieval and Application” (MIRA) track is on emerging modeling, representation and retrieval techniques that take into account the amount, type and diversity of multimedia information accessible in distributed computing environment.

Main topics

  • Multimedia content analysis
  • Multimedia Application for Information Retrieval
  • Retrieval and annotation of big multimedia data
  • Multimedia systems, services, architecture and implementations
  • Distributed multimedia systems
  • Multimedia security, rights management and forensics
  • Social networks, social media and Crowdsourcing


The up to date list of workshops is available from the top menu in Contribute > Workshops

Journal Special Issues

Selected papers will be published in special issue of several journals:

Important dates

Paper submission deadline September 23, 2013
Acceptance/Reject notification October 19, 2013
Camera-ready November 1, 2013
Author Registration November 5, 2013

Submission and publication

Papers must be up to 8 pages and follow the IEEE double-column format. Submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least 3 peer reviewers. Papers will be evaluated based on relevance, significance, impact, originality, technical soundness, and quality of presentation. At least one author should attend the conference to present an accepted paper.

All papers accepted for presentation at the main tracks and workshops will be included in the conference proceedings, which will be published by IEEE Computer Society. Only the actually presented papers will be referenced in IEEE Xplore Digital Library, Scopus, DBLP and major indexes.

Paper submission will only be online via SITIS 2013 submission site: