International Workshop on Resilient Internet based Systems


Internet based systems (ISs) amongst disasters are expected to function as far as possible and therefore assumed to be as resilient as possible against disasters. In fact, the ISs are of the utmost importance and one of the most prerequisite social infrastructures, together with the mass media, which are required to function properly in natural disasters and/or social ones with the social dimensions like earthquakes, tsunami, fires, terrorism and nuclear accidents, etc. In particular the recent East Japan Earthquake of 3.11 in 2011, together with the subsequent Tsunami and the Nuclear Accident, and other concerned disasters have provided us with a huge and the unprecedented social fields, from which we are to analyze the information systems with the social dimensions and thus to learn and improve the internet based systems in our society. Therein the disasters are exactly the situation where the existing social systems are out of order and therefore the place for us to improve the internet based systems thereupon. The ISRAD workshop thus aims to bring together the informatics researchers which range the related interdisciplinary fields with technological as well as social facets of the issues for the purpose of analyzing and improving the internet based systems resilient against disasters in our contemporary society.

Topics for the workshop include, but are not limited to:

  • social demands on the internet based systems resilient against disasters
  • technological specifications for internet based systems resilient against disasters
  • information systems for disasters inside, or far outside or close to, the disaster area
  • internet based systems for metropolitan areas
  • internet based systems for emergency medical issues
  • Internet based systems to cope with social vulnerability, handicaps, or generation gaps
  • information on disasters through mass media and social media like twitter, etc.
  • information systems for archives and/or understandings of the disasters
  • internet based systems for mitigation against natural disasters
  • internet based systems for prevention against social disasters
  • internet-based social media for narrative dissemination of information
  • how and to whom shall citizens, experts and beaurocrats mediate the information
  • GIS and/or mapping systems optimized for disaster management
  • network traffic analysis in disasters
  • congestion analysis of cell-phone systems and internet based systems
  • natural language processing and semantic analysis of disaster-related information
  • big data analysis of internet based systems for effective disaster management
  • automatizing internet based systems for management of disaster information

Workshop Co-Chairs

Yoshiyuki Mizuno, Kyoto Women’s University
Kensuke Miyashita, Kyoto Women’s University

Publicity and Liaison Chair

Takashi, Kawabe Tokyo Denki University, JAPAN

Program Committee

Tatsuhiko Akamatsu, ASK Asset Consulting Inc.
Koji Ando, mokha Inc.
Eiko Ashiduka, Feuerstein Learning Center
Yoshinori Ezawa, Kansai University
Nobuhiko Harada, Yomiuri Shimbun, Inc.
Fumihiko Ishiyama, NTT, Japan
Yuki Kitaoka, National Hospital Organization Kyoto Medical Center
Takashi Komura, Fuji Tokoha University
Kensuke Miyashita, Kyoto Women’s University
Yoshiyuki Mizuno, Kyoto Women’s University
Youhei Morita, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University
Kazuyuki Nakagawa, Jiji Press
Takao Nakayama, Kyoto Women’s University
Yasuo Okabe, Kyoto University
Shinji Shimojo, Osaka University
Setuo Tsuruta, Tokyo Denki University
Tetsutalow Uehara, Ritsumeikan University
Teruhiko Yoshimura, Nihon Fukushi University
Yuhnosuke Yoshimura, Kyoto Prefectural Disaster Volunteer Center
